Still making progress with my pregnancy, I'm at 37 weeks and 4 days. I'm feeling really good. All the pressure I was having is gone now, I think I just over did it that week. I am still having lots of Braxton and hicks but they go away as soon as I rest. I am just trying to be patient with God's timing of this little guy coming. I know life will be crazy once he's here but I just am not sure which is harder- the last few weeks of pregnancy when I'm not sleeping great, uncomfortable, having to go to the bathroom every half hour, or the newborn stage:) They both seem equally challenging. I just keep taking it day by day and asking God for strength to care for Lilly and also for baby Oliver. So anyways, here is another pregnancy post, probably the last with how not on top of blogging I am:
How far along: 37 weeks and 4 days
Total weight gain: 27lbs
Maternity clothes: oh yeah! I am getting over my clothes and they are starting to become very tight and uncomfortable.
Stretch marks: Not yet(still crossing my fingers)
Sleep: I sleep when I can and when I sleep I am out until I have to go to the bathroom. I have been known to sleep through Lilly waking up from her nap. She is so good about playing in her crib until I come and get her.
Best moment of this week: My time with Lillian. She has been such a cuddle bug this week and giving lots of hugs and kisses.
Miss anything: Looking forward to not being pregnant. I have enjoyed being pregnant but it comes with a lot of restrictions and with my anxiety it can just be consuming making sure I'm doing what I need to, to grow this baby.
Movement: Yes, LOTS! He is running out of room.
Food cravings: Nothing unusual just hungry all the time.
Anything making you queasy or sick: If I eat greasy foods or lots of sugar. I also get heartburn from the weirdest foods like twizzlers and homemade cookies but not greasy food or spicy food.
Have you started to show yet: Yes, getting bigger everyday
Gender: Boy!!
Labor signs: Just Braxton and Hicks
Belly button in or out: Still in, I apparently have a deep belly button.
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or moody most of the time: A little bit of both still. I have my moments where everything gets to me but for the most part I am feeling really happy and excited.
Looking forward to: Lillian being a big sister, holding my son for the first time.
there you have it. I don't have any pictures though, sorry. Bryce takes them on his phone and I very rarely get them downloaded to the computer. I just can't wait for Lillian's reaction to her little brother. She loves babies, anytime she sees one she gets excited and she is so good around them, very gentle and sweet. We installed Oliver's carseat and she keeps looking at it while I drive, I think she is wondering where the baby is. I do think that she is sensing something big is coming though. She has started to throw little fits and tantrums over the last few weeks. All last week when I would change her diaper she would scream and kick and just give me this look like "what are you going to do about it" It really tested my patience and was very discouraging. I don't like discipline. It is really hard and I think it can vary from each child. But Bryce and I have rolled up our sleeves and have got to work. Since Bryce was home for 3 days last weekend it was nice to have his support and she really responds well to him. We are calm but very firm with her and talk to her through it all. It has involved no spanking but I do tap her mouth lightly and say no thank you. Lillian is a very sensitive girl so I have to very careful with how I respond to her behavior. If I raise my voice and yell she just cries and nothing gets through but if I calmly talk to her and tell her no and don't allow her behavior she responds so much better. I know we are no where near the end of this stage. I'm told it only gets worse, WHAT?!! That's doesn't seem fair:) I do feel that the sooner we take charge and discipline the better off we will all be. I have and will continue to take any advice I can get so feel free to give me any through this parenting.
Hopefully my next post will be about Baby Oliver's arrival!!
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