Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

I knew this new year would be different with a baby but I would of never thought that I would be sick with the flu and bedridden for it. Yes, I did get my flu shot and still managed to get a strain of the flu. I am on day 5 of feeling like I get hit with a pile of bricks. I've never been so sick in my life. So last night was spent at home eating chicken noodle soup and watching about an hour of a movie before falling asleep around 9pm. BUT we did manage to be up for midnight because we had a firework show in our backyard that shook our whole house for about five minutes. Luckily Lillian didn't wake up, I have no idea how she didn't though. So Bryce and I shared a New Years kiss and then back to bed we went. I was starting to feel better last night and woke feeling even better this morning so I was ready to venture out of the house. We decided to go to Target because I had a huge list of things we needed. There was hardly anybody shopping this morning, it was so nice. This wasn't what I had in mind for our New Years, but I wouldn't of changed a thing. I had a great time being at home with my family. Bryce and Lilly had a jam session last night with Lilly on the drums and Bryce played the guitar. I joined in later with a tambourine. It was so fun:) Oh and Christmas! It was so great! Lilly really had a great time and she really got some fun gifts to entertain her love for music. She also got her two bottom front teeth for Christmas:) Her sleeping has been a little different but so far she has really handled this teething thing well. I thought for sure she would be crawling before Christmas but she is still just scooting around. She is getting close and I am kind of getting nervous. It has been so nice to just put her in front of her toys and have her just stay in the general area. I could go to the bathroom, turn my back in the kitchen but I feel once she starts crawling I won't be able to leave her sight and our house is small so I feel like she will have no room to play. I know we will survive, it's just overwhelming to think about. 
Christmas Pajamas! You can kind of see the belly bump too.

Opening her first gift

So excited!

chewing on a drumstick with her new teeth

daddy showing her how its done

Jam session with Daddy