Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Life Lately

 I have so much to be grateful for and I find myself so overwhelmed that I hardly look around and just give thanks for it all. Lillian will be a year old in just a few weeks! I can't believe it. She is so busy right now that it is hard to imagine just a year ago she was brand new to the world and could only eat, sleep and cry:) She is so close to walking. I am getting excited but also nervous for how even more busy we will be if we weren't already. We also are going through her first big illness-an ear infection. NO FUN! We were in Missoula for a long weekend and she did really good but each evening she would get really irritable and just want to be put to sleep which was really nice but little did we know she was fighting something. Sunday she woke up crying, which she never does and was really out of it. She slept off and on the whole way home. She is always a good sleeper when she is sick but come Monday evening she cried off and on all night and also last night. This morning she cried straight for about two hours with me feeling completely helpless. I took her to the doctor right away. I was so worried something really bad was wrong. It was an ear infection which still isn't fun but I'm relieved it isn't anything too serious. And Bryce is out of town this week so that has made things hard. I am exhausted to say the least and still don't know what I'm going to do with 2 babies. But some good news out of all of this is I'm an Auntie!! Bryce's brother and his wife welcomed a baby girl last night named Evelyn Judith. I still have yet to meet her because I've been taking care of Lilly but she is precious! And my sister in law had a home birth and did beautifully! I guess her labor from start to finish was about 5 hours. Can you believe that?! Mine was almost a whole a day. Praying for a fast one with this little baby boy. What else? I am counting down the weeks until our baby boy is here. 9 weeks left! I'm so thankful for how well it has gone so far. He is still a big mover and I think I have every third trimester symptom but still so excited for his arrival and thankful to be pregnant. Like I said earlier we spent 4 days in Missoula this last weekend. It was so fun! Bryce had to take his PE exam and I am SO thankful it is over with. He feels good about it so that makes me happy. He won't know for a couple months whether he passed but I'm sure he did. At least I hope so, he studied his butt off. The weather wasn't great in Missoula but we still made the best of it. We walked around campus and tried to remember life when we lived there almost nine years ago! And then we spent a lot of time at the hotel because Lillian slept so much. We also took her swimming and if only we had known she wasn't feeling good we wouldn't have done that. She loved it though! She has come a long ways since her first swimming experience. Each time we go she gets more comfortable with being in a huge bath tub.
Life will start to get really busy. Next weekend is a baby shower for my sweet boy. Then the next weekend is Lilly's 1st birthday! We are doing a cinco de mayo party and I am attempting to make a butterfly cake. It is just going to be a small family party since Lilly won't really understand whats going on. Then its Mothers Day and I am really wanting to walk in the Womens Run since I missed it last year. Then the next weekend is Bryce and I's 6th anniversary!! And then its memorial day and we're just a couple weeks away from baby coming! All good stuff! 
Now for some pictures of life lately:
This is what Lilly does when you say smile. I have about 100 pics of her doing this

At the UM campus right by Miller Hall where Bryce lived

Another one of Lilly's silly faces

Enjoying being outside before the cold came back

She is such a silly girl


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