Saturday, April 21, 2012

38 weeks

Tomorrow I will be 38 weeks! Can't believe that this baby could come any day now:) I have my bag packed and ready to go! Not much else to report. I will get checked on Tuesday to see if I am dilated at all. I am really hoping that I am at least a few centimeters, we will see.  Here are some recent pics. The picture of Bryce and I is from tonight, we walked down the street to our favorite place in Billings for dinner. It is probably a 5 minute walk and I am pretty sure it took us 20 mintues tonight:) I'm not moving very fast these days and I am pretty sure I was having a few of those Braxton and Hicks on the way.
37 weeks

37 weeks and 6 days


  1. We are anxiously awaiting the news! Praying for a safe and healthy delivery. You look amazing.
    Love, Em

  2. Cannot wait to meet that little munchkin!
