39 weeks 2 days |

Monday, April 30, 2012
39 weeks
Only 5 days from tomorrow before my due date. I made it past April, so this will for sure be a May baby. I really thought I would have the baby by now. I just couldn't fathom being this far along in pregnancy. I was reading my journal last night and remember writing entries from a year ago and praying for God to be preparing my body for a full term pregnancy. It was hard for me to read those because I had so much doubt this whole pregnancy. All I knew was preterm birth and so I thought for sure the baby would come early. I had fear and anxiety everyday almost. And now here I am only days before my due date, I may even go past. My last doctor visit was a week ago and baby was still high and my cervix was just starting to open. I have had no contractions and tomorrow I will get check again to see if any progress has been made. I am feeling really good! Not too uncomfortable except for when I eat too much and rolling over in bed is extremely hard, but other than that I feel really good. No swelling either:) I sure hope my next post is announcing the birth of the baby! I'm ready!!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
38 weeks
37 weeks |
37 weeks and 6 days |
Thursday, April 12, 2012
36 Weeks
I am starting the countdown until due date, 24 days left! I am getting so anxious to meet my little one and to know what has been growing in my belly for the last 9 months:) I did my non-stress test on Tuesday and all is well with the baby's movement. I was a little nervous for it but it wasn't so bad. I will continue to do them at my weekly visits until baby comes. Other than that not too much to report. Bryce is taking the day off tomorrow to just have our last him and I day before we become parents! I went to a silent auction the other night and won a hotel and dinner out, so we are going to stay at a hotel tonight and go to a nice dinner. I wish it could have been on a getaway somewhere, but that's okay. I think Bryce and I have done our fair share of traveling over the years.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Another Baby update
35 weeks and three days! Just went to the doctor to hear our little pumpkins heartbeat. I just love hearing that sound, it brings so much joy to my heart and relief! I start going in every week now until the babe comes. The doctor wants me to do non-stress tests each time I go in, he wants to be extra careful after what happened last time. Not really sure what a non-stress test is but apparently I will be able to hear the heartbeat and see each movement the baby makes on a monitor. We will also discuss the birthing plan at my next appt. Here is what my ideal birthing is:
1. I would like go through the beginning stages of labor at home and avoid the hospital as long as possible. we are fortunate to live 4 minutes away from the hospital so I am not worried about not getting there in time. I definitely don't want to have a home birth!
2. When we make it to the hospital I would like no pain medication and would prefer not to have an IV. I want to be able to move around freely and those IV's are a pain. I remember being in labor with Faith and feeling stuck because of the IV.
3. If all goes well and I am able to have a vaginal birth I would like the baby to be placed in my arms as soon as it is delivered so I can breastfeed. Apparently this is the greatest bonding experience you can have with your baby and I am so hopeful I can experience it.
I remind you that this is my "ideal" birthing plan. I am not in any disillusion that plans can change. I trust my doctor and know that if it is necessary I will have a c-section, but only if it is absolutely necessary. I also know how painful contractions are and that with medication it makes delivery so much better. I was so close to getting an epidural with Faith but I wasn't prepared for labor at that point so I had no idea how to handle contractions. It's like playing in a football game and never practicing. Bryce and I have been reading books and doing exercises to help us when labor hits so I am very hopeful that, as long as I don't have to have a c-section, I can have this baby with no medication. I pray about it each day and know that whatever happens that God will give me peace and strength through it all.
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